Why Should I Hire A Career Coach?


Are you chock full of great ideas? Many of us are! But how do we get from idea to execution? If we knew how to transform all or at least some of our goals and ideas into a reality on our own we would have done it a long time ago.

More often than not, we need help from a supportive, objective coach who will help us move from point a to point b and help us see the forest through the trees. Especially if we’re talking about entrepreneurship or career transitions, it’s really helpful to get clarity on your goals and values while also having a coach who can help you get your resume updated and brainstorm new career or business opportunities.

If you’re wondering if a coach would be helpful to you here are a few things to consider.


One of the best parts of having a coach is to have someone who will hold you accountable for what you say you want to do. Your coach knows what’s important to you and will help you move forward on your goals by keeping you honest and accountable to the smallest details and “to-do’s” to the larger “big game” goals. The right coach will hold your feet to the fire and continually remind you of what you are moving toward.

Asking for Help

This is one of the hardest things for many people to do. We’re taught at an early age that we should be able to do things ourselves from tying our shoes to going to the bathroom. It’s ingrained in us that we need to be autonomous humans who shouldn’t need help, let alone ask for help. This could not be further from the truth.

In actuality, asking for help is a brave and courageous act and is the only way we can move forward. So, if you are at a juxtaposition in your life or career, recognizing that you need to ask for help is a great first step. And then ask yourself, “who do I need to ask for help from? Who are the best people to help me right now?” Your list could include mentors, advisors, friends, and a professional coach if you think that’s what you most need to help you get to your next chapter.

Getting You Unstuck

Do you keep talking to your friends and family about how you wish you could leave your job and open up your own business? Do you keep talking about an idea you have but aren’t sure how to make it a reality? Do you keep talking about how you’re unfulfilled and unhappy with your career? Do you keep talking about….you get the point.

If you answered yes to any of these questions or could easily fill in the blanks, then, yes, you are most likely stuck. Being stuck is not a bad thing and isn’t something to beat yourself up about. It’s just where you are. Having a coach can help you figure out how to get unstuck and moving forward. Through different coaching techniques, your coach can work with you on figuring out what’s holding you back from living your dreams and designing steps to help you get some momentum.

Clarifying Priorities

Sometimes we have so many ideas and possibilities, that we don’t know which direction to go in or which path to take. With your coach, you can get clarity on your values and priorities that will then help inform your choices and goals. Working with your coach will help you break down your ideas into smaller, bite-size pieces and steps to see which one is most in line with your personal mission. And, if you move forward in one direction and find out along the way that it wasn’t what you thought it was going to be, your coach will be there by your side to help you figure out what’s next.


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